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Tag: Common Ownership


Proposed Changes to the Merger Guidelines’ Approach to Common Ownership

By Martin C. Schmalz (CEPR) I appreciate the opportunity to submit a comment in response to the FTC’s Request for Information on Merger Enforcement. This...

Common Ownership: Do Managers Really Compete Less?

By Merritt B. Fox (Columbia University) & Menesh S. Patel (University of California) This Article addresses an important question in modern antitrust: when large investment...

A Paradigm Shift in the Antitrust Analysis of Common Ownership In...

By Saatvic1   Introduction While antitrust authorities have developed time tested methods to analyze the competitive effects of mergers, assessing acquisitions of minority stakes that create common...
Varieties and Mechanisms of Common Ownership: A Calibration Exercise for Competition Policy

Varieties and Mechanisms of Common Ownership: A Calibration Exercise for Competition...

By Anna Tzanaki (Lund University) Minority shareholdings have been on the regulatory agenda of competition authorities for some time. Recent empirical studies, however, draw attention...

Common Ownership and Minority Shareholding at the Intersection of Competition and...

By Anna Tzanaki (Lund University) Common ownership is the talk of the town in antitrust land. Surrounded by mystery and noise, the competitive implications of...

The Conundrum of Common Ownership

By: Jennifer G. Hill (CLS Blue Sky Blog) My forthcoming article, “The Conundrum of Common Ownership,” examines the phenomenon of common ownership through a corporate...

Common Sense About Common Ownership

Posted by Social Science Research Network Common Sense About Common Ownership By Douglas H. Ginsburg & Keith Klovers (US Court of Appeals for the District of...

Common Ownership, Institutional Investors, and Antitrust

Posted by Social Science Research Network Common Ownership, Institutional Investors, and Antitrust By Menesh Patel (Columbia Law School) Abstract:     Recent empirical studies demonstrate the significant extent...

The anti-competitive effects of state ownership

Posted by Social Science Research Network The anti-competitive effects of state ownership By Angela Huyue Zhang (King's College London) Abstract:     Common ownership by the Chinese State...
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