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Tag: Collusion

Deliberate Concealment in Cartel Claims

Ruchit Patel, Romano Subiotto, May 28, 2010 This paper examines the application of the deliberate concealment doctrine (as contained in the UK Limitation Act 1980)...

Severing Parent Liability For Cartel Infringements By Employees Of Subsidiaries

Laura Atlee, Yves Botteman, Apr 16, 2010 We have previously  discussed the Akzo Nobel case,  in which the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”)  clarified the...

Behavioral Economics as Applied to Firms: A Primer

Mark Armstrong, Steffen Huck, Apr 01, 2010 We discuss the literatures on behavioral economics, bounded rationality, and experimental economics as they apply to firm behavior...

Starr v. SONY BMG Music Entertainment: The Second Circuit’s Misapplication of...

Kenneth Logan, Jonathan Youngwood, Mar 26, 2010 On January 13, 2010, in Starr v. SONY BMG Music Entertainment, a panel of the United States Court...

When Does a Joint Venture Act as a Single Economic Entity?

Gregory Werden, Mar 26, 2010 The "Sherman Act contains a 'basic distinction between concerted and independent action.'"  The concerted action of several competing firms could...

Competing Single-Entity Tests in American Needle v. NFL and Their Implications...

Gregory Pelnar, Mar 26, 2010 American Needle v. National Football League has been variously dubbed the "most important case in sports history," , "an opportunity...

Joint Ventures and the Sherman Act: The Problem Revealed by American...

Thomas Brown, Katherine Robison, Ian Simmons, Mar 26, 2010 The transcript of the oral argument in this year's most watched antitrust case, American Needle v....

U.S. Discovery of European Union and U.S. Leniency Applications and Other...

Samuel Miller, Kristina Nordlander, James Owens, Mar 16, 2010 An issue of growing importance in global competition law is the risk that materials produced pursuant...

Leegin, The Political Backlash

Roger Blair, Jessica Haynes, Jan 25, 2010 In 1911, the Supreme Court addressed resale price maintenance (“RPM”) for the first time. Although RPM is a...

From Collective Dominance to Coordinated Effects in EU Competition Policy

Juan Briones, Oct 08, 2009 Since the Commission first tackled the oligopoly issue under the Merger Regulation, there has been considerable development of the Commission's...
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