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Mexico: Competition regulator fines Japan’s Panasonic

Mexico's competition watchdog said on Monday it had fined Japan's Panasonic for failing to disclose that its purchase of Spanish auto parts maker Ficosa...

Mexico: Competition watchdog fines pension funds $58 mln

Mexico's competition regulator on Thursday announced it fined four pension funds a total of 1.1 billion pesos ($58 million) for antitrust violations. The Federal Economic...

Mexico: Palacios Prieto will have another period in COFECE

In its latest session, held on Friday, April 28, the Mexican Senate ratified Alejandra Palacios Prieto for a second four-year term at the head...

Mexico: Antitrust debt probe to cast a wide net

Last week a senior antitrust official told Reuters that the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) had started its biggest ever probe into public debt...

Mexico: COFECE puts the breaks on Sanofi-Boehringer merger

Cofece, Mexico's antitrust commission, objected to the merger of the pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim International in the animal health sector, considering that...

Mexico: ChemChina one step closer to Syngenta approval

Following on from last week’s approval from US antitrust regulators, ChemChina and Syngenta announced on Monday that they have been given the nod from the...

Mexico: Gov brings first criminal antitrust charges for bid rigging

In an unprecedented action, this month the Investigation Bureau of the Mexican Federal Competition Commission has brought criminal prosecutions against individuals who allegedly participated...

Mexico: Watchdog investigates milk price fixing

Mexico’s Federal Commission for Economic Competition (COFECE) has carried out a probe into possibly illegal instances of collusion in the raw milk sector, as...

Integrating Regulatory and Antitrust Powers: Does It Work? Case Studies from...

Elisa Mariscal, Sep 11, 2014 There are a wide variety of possible structures for regulatory regimes in countries. This article focuses on the analysis of...

Essential Inputs and Antitrust Barriers in the Mexican Economic Competition Regime

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Victor Pavon-Villamayor, Jul 16, 2014 On July 7,  2014 the new Mexican Economic Competition...
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