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Monopoly in Chains: Antitrust and the Great A&P

Marc Levinson, Dec 13, 2011 Accompanying Interview: Besides the article summarized below, we're pleased to present an interview with Marc Levinson, author of the new book,...

Introduction to Stigler’s Theory of Oligopoly

Dennis Carlton, Sam Peltzman, Nov 05, 2010 This article introduces the reprint of George Stigler's A Theory of Oligopoly, first published in 1964. Stigler's article...

A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice

Cecilia Chaing, Lindsay McSweeney, Apr 01, 2010 A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice is reprinted here as it was published in 1955. In this paper,...

Monopoly and Resource Allocation

Arnold Harberger, Arnold Harberger, Nov 01, 2009 This classic 1954 article broke with the then-current economic orthodoxy and set monopoly research on a path that...

Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth

Apr 24, 2008 This article is a reprint of Chapters VII and IX of Augustin Cournot, Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of...

Law and the Future: Trade Regulation (1956)

Nov 05, 2007 Originally published in the Northwestern University Law Review, Vol. 51, No. 281, 1956. Reprinted with special permission of Northwestern University School of...

The Limits of Antitrust

Frank Easterbrook, Apr 01, 2005 In this article, Frank Easterbrook sets out the basic components of what has become known as the error-cost framework in...

An Introduction to Bork (1966)

Douglas Ginsburg, Apr 01, 2006 The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, the cornerstone of the U.S. antitrust regime, broadly prohibits contacts, combinations, and conspiracies in...

The Competitive Order and Its Implementation

Nov 01, 2006 This article was originally published as Walter Eucken, Die Wettbewerbsordnung und ihre Verwirklichung (The Competitive Order and Its Implementation), 2 ORDO, JAHRBUCH...
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