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Tag: Chicago School


Getting Antitrust and History in Tune

By Brian R. Cheffins (University of Cambridge) Antitrust is high on the reform agenda at present, associated with calls to “break up big tech.” Proponents...
The Chicago School and the Irrelevance of Predation

The Chicago School and the Irrelevance of Predation

Everybody knows that Chicago scholars dismissed predatory pricing as a practice of concern for antitrust law due to its alleged unprofitability, both relative and...

Back to School: What the Chicago School and New Brandeis School...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Back to School: What the Chicago School and New Brandeis School Get Right By Gregory J. Werden & Luke M. Froeb The...

Antitrust in the Internet Era: The Legacy of United States v....

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust in the Internet Era: The Legacy of United States v. A&P By Timothy J. Muris (George Mason University) &...

Citizen Fox: The global antitrust vision of Eleanor Fox

Posted by Social Science Research Network Citizen Fox: The global antitrust vision of Eleanor Fox By Philip Marsden (College of Europe) & Spencer Weber Waller (Loyola...

Introduction to Harberger’s Monopoly and Resource Allocation–The Pioneering Article on Deadweight...

Hill Wellford, Nov 01, 2009 Arnold Harberger´s 1954 article, Monopoly and Resource Allocation,brought empirical analysis of the social costs of monopoly into the mainstream of...

Can We Rely Only On Effects-Based Analysis? Comments On Geradin And...

Paulo Furquim de Azevedo, Jul 28, 2013 So common and yet so controversial. Vertical restraints are among the contractual forms that Ronald Coase ironically called...

To Issue Or Not To Issue Guidance: Comments On Geradin And...

Seth Sacher, Jul 28, 2013 In a recent working paper, Damien Geradin and Caio Marioda Silva Pereira Neto (hereafter GN) argue that the Brazilian competition...

An Introduction to Whinston’s Tying, Foreclosure, and Exclusion by M.D. Whinston

Eliana Garces, Dec 20, 2012 After its publication in 1990, Michael Whinston's article on Tying, Foreclosure, and Exclusion, quickly achieved fame for being the first...

A Note on Director & Levi (1956) (reprint)

Jun 19, 2012 In their uninformatively titled article, “Law and the Future: Trade Regulation,” Director and Levi set out a research agenda as well as...
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