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Tag: Cell Phones

Google Mobile And Competition: The Current State Of Play

Google, Mobile And Competition: The Current State Of Play

By Benjamin Edelman - Google’s widely-used Android operating system is open source software. Any developer who wishes to examine the source code can download it in...

Technology Licensing: Evolving Antitrust Standards in the Smartphone and Other Sectors?

Paul Lugard, Apr 30, 2012 Antitrust review of business transactions involving intellectual property has never been entirely undisputed. On the one hand, there is a...

A Roadmap to the Smartphone Patent Wars and FRAND Licensing

Apr 30, 2012 The smartphone industry today is characterized by a thicket of patents and wars based on those patents. Every day brings a new...

Class Certification in Innovation Rich Spaces – Do 23(b)(3) Classes Need...

David Reichenberg, Apr 17, 2012 In recent years, the backdrop for antitrust class actions has increasingly been provided by technological innovation. Take the following hypothetical:...

Mobile Virtual Network Operators: Beyond the Hyperbolae

Duarte Brito, Pedro Pereira, Apr 19, 2007 The diffusion of mobile telephony has been very fast. In the European Union, in 2005 426 million people,...

Two-Sided Telecom Markets and the Unintended Consequences of Business Strategy

Leonard Waverman, Apr 19, 2007 A two-sided market is one where two different parties are connected to each other through a third-party platform. Examples are...
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