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Tag: Cartels

Buyers’ Cartels Prevalence and Undercharges

Buyers’ Cartels: Prevalence and Undercharges

This article supplements information on 24 U.S. domestic buyers’ cartels cited in a 2010 book by Blair & Harrison by assembling and analyzing a...
Criminal Prosecution of Buyer Cartels

Where Have We Been, and Where Are We Going? The Criminal...

The announcement in October 2016 that the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice intended “to criminally investigate naked no-poaching or wage-fixing agreements,”...
Recent EU Developments in Buyer-Side Cartels

Recent EU Developments in Buyer-Side Cartels

Recent Commission decisions and judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning purchasing cartels offer insights as to how the Commission...
European Competition Law Purchasing Alliances

European Competition Law Scrutiny of Purchasing Alliances

It seems undeniable that within the EU interest is growing in purchasing alliances and particularly in the grocery retail sector. However, care must be...
Buyer Cartels Theoretical Policy Framework

Buyer Cartels: A Theoretical and Policy Framework

This paper contains a theoretical analysis cartel formation by buyers in thin markets where with a small number of buyers and sellers. Limiting the...

Cartels and Fines

By Florian Smuda (University of Applied Sciences Koblenz) This chapter deals with cartel fines as sanctions to deter cartelization. The concept of cartel fines as...

Competitive Harm Crossing Borders: Regulatory Gaps and a Way Forward

By Marek Martyniszyn (Queen's University Belfast) This article analyses the current regulatory framework governing transnational restrictive business practices. It identifies key gaps that provide room...

Challenges and Pitfalls in Cartel Fining

By Marcel Boyer (CIRANO), Anne Catherine Faye (Analysis Group, Inc.), Eric Gravel & Rachidi Kotchoni (Université Paris Nanterre) We analyze challenges and pitfalls faced by...

Cartel Settlements: Facilitating Damages Claims But Hybrid Cases Remain Unsettling

By Marieke Datema, Andrew Leitch & Ed Coulson (Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner)1   I. Introduction Over ten years since the introduction of the European Commission Settlement Notice,...
New Zealand Globe

Crisis Talk: Careful Messaging Required as New Zealand Navigates COVID-19 on...

By Anna Ryan (Lane Neave)1   The residents of my home city of Christchurch, New Zealand, have experienced considerable tragedy in the past decade.  Next month,...
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