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Tag: Cartels

Theory of Oligopoly

George Stigler, Nov 05, 2010 No one has the right, and few the ability, to lure economists into reading another article on oligopoly theory without...

Screens for Conspiracies and Their Multiple Applications

Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Patrick Bajari, Nov 05, 2010 A screen is a statistical test designed to detect conspiracies aimed at illegally manipulating a market. Competition authorities,...

Antitrust Criminal Sanctions: The Evolution of Executive Punishment

Donald Klawiter, Nov 05, 2010 Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg and Professor Joshua D. Wright's excellent study of antitrust sanctions for corporations and individuals concludes with...

Antitrust Oversight: More an Art than a Craft

Pieter Kalbfleisch, Nov 05, 2010 Would it lead to more effective sanctioning of cartel violations if attention were shifted from sanctioning undertakings to primarily sanctioning...

Comment on Antitrust Sanctions

Nov 05, 2010 In their thoughtful article, Douglas Ginsburg and Joshua Wright make five key points towards enhancing cartel deterrence through increased penalties: Collusion is...

Antitrust Sanctions

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Nov 05, 2010 In this article, we first discuss traditional deterrence theory as applied to optimal criminal antitrust penalties. Then we...

Letter From the Editor

Antitrust authorities have pursued cartels with steadily increasing vigor over the last three decades. Guided in significant part by economics and game theory, authorities...

Antitrust Forum-Shopping in England: Is Provimi Ltd v Aventis Correct?

Brian Kennelly, May 28, 2010 This article examines the judgment of Aikens J in Provimi Ltd and ors v Aventis Animal Nutrition SA and ors,...

Estimating Pass-On

Andrea Lofaro, Jan Peter van der Veer, May 28, 2010 When assessing the damage incurred by customers of a cartel, it may (depending on the...

U.S. Discovery of European Union and U.S. Leniency Applications and Other...

Samuel Miller, Kristina Nordlander, James Owens, Mar 16, 2010 An issue of growing importance in global competition law is the risk that materials produced pursuant...
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