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Tag: Cartel

Green Antitrust Sustainability

Green Antitrust: Friendly Fire in the Fight against Climate Change

By Maarten Pieter Schinkel & Leonard Treuren (University of Amsterdam) The green antitrust movement aims to increase sustainability efforts by relaxing competition. Yet the economic...

Australia Fines Pharmaceutical On Criminal Cartel Charges

Alkaloids of Australia and its former export manager, Christopher Kenneth Joyce, have each been charged with 33 criminal cartel offences, contrary to the Competition...

Lithuania Fines Cinemas For Cartel Behavior

The Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba has found that the film distributor Theatrical Film Distribution and the firms NCG Distribution and Forum Cinemas, which...

EU Targets Conserve Italia For Cartel Activity In Canned Goods

Food company Conserve Italia has run a cartel to distort competition in canned vegetables in the European Union, breaking EU antitrust rules, the European...

EC Fines Car Parts Suppliers In Cartel Settlement

The European Commission has fined Brose and Kiekert a total of €18 million (US$21.14 million) for taking part in two cartels concerning supplies of...
Tyson Foods

Chicken Distributors Face New US Cartel Claims

Tyson Foods, Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., and other top poultry processors were hit with a federal antitrust lawsuit in Kansas City, Kan., alleging an industry...
Digital economy

Labor Organization in Ride Sharing – Unionization or Cartelization?

By Mark Anderson (University of Idaho) & Max Huffman (Indiana University) The sharing economy brings together the constituent parts of a business enterprise into a...
Information Exchange

Information Exchange among Competitors: The Lay of the Land of Enforcement...

Information Exchange among Competitors: The Lay of the Land of Enforcement in Brazil1 By Ana Paula Martinez2 & Mariana Tavares de Araujo3 (Levy & Salomão Advogados) I....

The Commission’s Burden of Proof in Article 101(1) TFEU: Evidentiary Shortcuts...

By Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel (Université de Liège)1   Case C-593/18 P, ABB Ltd. and ABB AB v. European Commission, EU:C:2019:1027 On November 28, 2019, the Seventh Chamber...
automotive parts

Twilight of Prosecutions of the Global Auto-Parts Cartels

By John M. Connor (American Antitrust Institute) The Auto-Parts Supercartel comprises 70 to 80 interconnected, international, automotive inputs, bid-rigging schemes discovered during 2008 to 2017....
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