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Tag: Canadian Competition Bureau

Competition Law Guidance Under Commissioner Aitken: A Survey

Kevin Ackhurst, Sep 13, 2012 Canada's Commissioner of Competition announced on June 28, 2012 that she would resign her position on September 21, 2012. Since...

The Canadian “Sir” Process: A Progress Report

Erika Douglas, Mark Katz, Sep 13, 2012 In March 2009, the Canadian Competition Act's merger review process was amended to align it more closely with...

A Short Note on Plea Agreements in Canadian Antitrust Cases

Graham Reynolds, Sep 13, 2012 To date, most Canadian antitrust cartel cases have been resolved by means of guilty pleas by defendants. The means of...

Top Ten Points to Know When Resolving Global Antitrust Cases in...

Graham Reynolds, Aug 31, 2010 As one of the leading international antitrust regulators, Canada's Competition Bureau ("Bureau") undertakes many multinational investigations, most commonly in coordination...

Canada’s Draft Service Standards for Merger Review: Plus Change, Plus...

Sandy Walker, Aug 31, 2010 Canada's merger review process has always suffered from schizophrenia. Unlike in the EU and United States, the timeline for the...

International Cooperation in a New Era of Canadian Cartel Enforcement

Lindsay Donders, Aug 31, 2010 In today's globalized economy, it is essential that competition enforcement transcend national boundaries to protect the benefits of competitive and...

The CREA Abuse of Dominance Case: Competition Bureau Challenges Organized Real...

Steve Szentesi, Aug 31, 2010 On February 8, 2010, the Canadian Competition Bureau (the "Bureau") filed an abuse of dominance application against one of Canada's...

Collective Dominance In Canada: A New Direction

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Anita Banicevic, Mark Katz, Nov 25, 2009 The October issue of Global Competition Policy...

Canadian Competition Authority’s Reach for Foreign Affiliates in its Cartel Investigations

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle John Clifford, Hayane Dahmen, Nov 12, 2009 The Competition Act ("the Act") governs all...

The Canadian Competition Bureau’s Attempt to Halt Beer Merger Goes Flat

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Mark Katz, Feb 28, 2008 On January 22, 2008, the Canadian Federal Court of...
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