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Tag: Canada Competition Bureau


Canadian Watchdog Challenges Merger Of Rivals Secure & Tervita

Canada’s Competition Bureau is seeking to block Secure Energy Services’s proposed acquisition of Tervita Corporation to protect competition for customers of oil and gas...

Canada’s Regulator Says Wage-Fixing Is Not Price Fixing

On November 27, 2020, the Canadian Competition Bureau released a statement regarding the application of the Competition Act to no-poaching, wage-fixing, and other buy-side agreements. Canadian legal...

Canada Assumes Presidency Of The International Consumer Protection & Enforcement Network

Canada’s Competition Bureau will begin its one-year term as President of the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN). From July 1, 2020 to...

Canada Cracking Down On Deceptive COVID-19 Advertising

The Canada Competition Bureau is warning all businesses against making false or misleading claims that their products and services can prevent, treat or cure...

Canada: Competition Bureau Statement On Competitor Collaborations During The COVID-19 Pandemic

As Canada grapples with the impacts of COVID-19, Canadian businesses face a number of unprecedented challenges. The Competition Bureau recognizes that the exceptional circumstances surrounding...

Statement From Canada’s Commissioner Of Competition Regarding Enforcement During The COVID-19...

Commissioner of Competition Matthew Boswell issued the following statement today regarding the Competition Bureau’s enforcement during the COVID-19 coronavirus situation: “As Canada responds to the...
Canada: No penalties in north airline antitrust probe

Canada: No penalties in north airline antitrust probe

Canada’s Competition Bureau (CCB) says it has concluded the investigation it launched into Calm Air, Canadian North and First Air last year amid allegations...

Canada: Amazon to pay fine related to pricing practices in Canada

Amazon.com agreed to pay a fine and change its pricing practices in Canada after a two-year investigation concluded the online retailer made unsubstantiated claims...
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