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Tag: Cambridge Analytica

UK: Global politicians question Facebook over data collection

Politicians from around the world today said they are 'deeply disappointed' at Mark Zuckerberg and posted a picture of his empty chair on the...

UK: Facebook fights fine for Cambridge Analytica scandal

Facebook plans to appeal a fine issued by the UK’s data watchdog in response to the social media site’s Cambridge Analytica scandal. An estimated 1...

US: Senator drops new policy proposals for regulating tech

The team at Facebook is not having a great week, as it seems all of its recent data scandal chickens have come home to...

UK: Facebook charged maximum fine by information commissioner

Facebook was hit with a US$660,000 fine, the maximum allowed, by the British Information Commissioner’s Office over its data scandal with now-defunct political consulting...

US: Expanded Federal probe hurts Facebook

Following news that the US government probe into the Facebook data breach connected with Cambridge Analytica has widened, shares of the company dropped 2%...
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