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The (Nearly) Forgotten Case of Labor Concerns in Brazilian Competition Policy: Recent Developments and Lost Opportunities

The (Nearly) Forgotten Case of Labor Concerns in Brazilian Competition Policy:...

In the wake of new evidence of market power of firms over workers, as a widespread economic fact, it is worth revising how the...

Brazil: Antitrust regulator expects more M&A activity in 2020

The expectation that Brazil's economic growth will be sustainable, along with the ongoing program of privatization of public assets, will likely increase the number...
Brazil flag

Brazil: ADM sells palm business

Grain trader Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) has sold its palm business in Brazil to local player Reflorestadora Moju Acará, according to the Brazilian antitrust...
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Brazil: Antitrust regulator fines IBM over Red Hat deal

Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defence (CADE) has issued a BRL 57 million (US$13.9 million) fine on IBM for completing the purchase of Red...
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Brazil: CADE approves America Movil’s purchase of Nextel

Brazil’s antitrust regulator CADE on Wednesday, December 11, approved the proposed purchase of Nextel by Mexican telecom America Movil, which operates in the country...
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Brazil: Antitrust watchdog rejects Itau Unibanco appeal

Brazilian antitrust watchdog Cade rejected on Wednesday Itau Unibanco’s appeal on a case involving its payments processor Rede for alleged anticompetitive practices. Cade determined that...

New Approaches to Cartel Enforcement and Spillover Effects in Brazil: Exchange...

By Eduardo Frade & Vinicius Marques de Carvalho (VMCA)1 Once upon a time, cartels were made in smoke-filled rooms and cartelists were caught through good...

Cartels in the Age of the Data-driven Economy: Outcomes from the...

By Noemy Melo Colin (CADE)1 From October 7-10, 2019, the Brazilian Competition Authority – CADE – hosted the 16th ICN Cartel Workshop. Themed “cartels in...
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Brazil: Cade clears Raizen Energia purchase of Cosan Biomassa

Brazil’s antitrust agency CADE on Tuesday, October 29, gave utility Raizen Energia, a joint venture between energy and logistics group Cosan and oil giant...
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Brazil: CADE opens probe into the country’s largest private-sector lender

Brazilian antitrust agency CADE opened an investigation into the country’s largest private-sector lender, Itaú Unibanco, and its card processor Rede for alleged anticompetitive practices,...
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