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Tag: Bundling

Antitrust and Nonexcluding Ties

Herbert Hovenkamp, Dec 20, 2012 Notwithstanding hundreds of court decisions and scholarly articles, tying arrangements remain enigmatic. Conclusions that go to either extreme, per se...

Letter from the Editor – Fall 2012

In the Autumn 2012 issue of the CPI Journal, we are very pleased to present a Symposium on Tying (structured around the recent Brantley...

Intel and McAfee”Antitrust is Getting it Right in High Tech

Christopher Thomas, Jan 27, 2011 The European Commission has just (January 26, 2011) approved the acquisition by Intel of McAfee, following the U.S. Federal Trade...

The End of Per Se Illegal Tying

Christopher R. Leslie, Dec 16, 2010 When making predictions about the future of antitrust law, one can err in one of two directions: making a...

The Failed Resurrection of the Single Monopoly Profit Theory

Einer Elhauge, Apr 01, 2010 Professor Paul Seabright claims that an absence of empirical proof supports the single monopoly profit theory. This claim fails because...

The Undead? A Comment on Professor Elhauge’s Paper

Paul Seabright, Paul Seabright, Nov 11, 2009 Professor Einer Elhauge has written a paper whose title (Tying, Bundled Discounts, and the Death of the Single...

Can Bundled Discounting Increase Consumer Prices Without Excluding Rivals?

Daniel Crane, Joshua Wright, Nov 01, 2009 Since we abhor suspense, we will quickly answer the question our title poses: No. As a general matter,...

No Single Monopoly Profit, No Single Policy Prescription?

Harry First, Nov 01, 2009 Professor Einer Elhauge´s most recent article, Tying, Bundled Discounts, and the Death of the Single Monopoly Profit Theory, begins with...

Pacific Bell Telephone Co. v. linkLine Communications, Inc.: The Supreme Court...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Olsky, Apr 15, 2009 Much of the commentary published since thelinkLine decision has...

Bundled Discounts as Competition for Distribution

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Benjamin Klein, Jun 10, 2008 The antitrust law of bundled discounts is unsettled. LePage's...
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