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Tag: Bundling

Do the Antitrust Laws Prohibit Tying Products Or Services Together For...

By: Jarod Bona (The Antitrust Attorney) Yes, sometimes “tying” violates the antitrust laws. Whether you arrive at the tying-arrangement issue from the perspective of the...
Sell/Buy Bundling

Sell/Buy Bundling

This note examines bundling where a firm sells content or a service and, in the process, buys the customer’s attention or data. For example,...
Of “Free Goods” in Digital Platform Markets

Tying of “Free Goods” in Digital Platform Markets

As dominant platforms offer related services and expand into adjacent markets, there are serious concerns for anticompetitive tying that may serve to extend their...

Competition and Vertical/Agglomeration Effects in Media Mergers: Bagging Bundle Benefits

Posted by Social Science Research Network Competition and Vertical/Agglomeration Effects in Media Mergers: Bagging Bundle Benefits By Bronwyn E. Howell (Victoria University of Wellington) & Petrus...

Tying and Bundling Involving Standard-Essential Patents

Posted by Social Science Research Network Tying and Bundling Involving Standard-Essential Patents By Koren W. Wong-Ervin, Evan Hicks & Ariel Slonim (George Mason University) Abstract:  Competition agencies...

Comment of the Global Antitrust Institute, Antonin Scalia law school, George Mason University,...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Comment of the Global Antitrust Institute, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University, on the Proposed Revisions to the...
shake hands

Bundling Behavior in Telecoms: What Firms Do and How European Competition...

By Agustín Díaz-Pinés & João Vareda - In this article, the authors discuss the reasons why firms in the telecoms sector bundle and the impact on...

The Ad Hoc Approach To Telecommunications Mergers: The Public Interest Compromised?

By Warren Grimes - It is difficult to find consistency in the U.S. Justice Department’s (“Antitrust Division”) responses to the wave of telecommunications mergers. AT&T was barred from...


In this issue: Treatment of Single-Product and Bundled Rebates in the EC Laurent Geelhand, Johanne Peyre, Jun 10, 2008 Michelin welcomes the European Commission's will to correct...


In our Autumn 2012 Journal, we present a Symposium on Tying, a Colloquium on Media Plurality, and a special article on the risks of...
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