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FTC Hearing on Broadband

April 2019 FTC Hearing on Broadband By Steven P. Vaughn (McDermott Will & Emery)1 The tenth of the FTC’s Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in...

US: FCC says court has no “Legal Authority” to impose Net...

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defended its rollback of Obama era net neutrality protections on Thursday, October 11, filing a legal brief with a...

Economic Findings Concerning the State of Competition for Wired Broadband Provision...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Economic Findings Concerning the State of Competition for Wired Broadband Provision to US Households and Edge Providers By David S....

Antitrust Provides a More Reasonable Regulatory Framework than Net Neutrality

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust Provides a More Reasonable Regulatory Framework than Net Neutrality By Joshua D. Wright (George Mason University) Abstract:      In...

Competition and Vertical/Agglomeration Effects in Media Mergers: Bagging Bundle Benefits

Posted by Social Science Research Network Competition and Vertical/Agglomeration Effects in Media Mergers: Bagging Bundle Benefits By Bronwyn E. Howell (Victoria University of Wellington) & Petrus...

Australia: ACCC to allow NBN competitors to pass on levy

Australia's competition regulator will allow non-NBN (National Broadband Network) high-speed internet providers to pass on federal government's proposed $7-a-month levy for regional services to...

UK: Ofcom reveals new plan to open up BT broadband

Ofcom has announced detailed plans on how it aims to improve access to Openreach’s infrastructure following the company’s recent separation from BT. The plans laid...

EU: EC looking at Italy’s ultra-fast broadband tender process

European Union antitrust regulators are looking into a tender process organized by the Italian government to build out an ultra-fast broadband network in parts...

New Zealand: Sky, Vodafone appeal merger block

Sky Network Television and Vodafone New Zealand filed an appeal against a Commerce Commission decision to block their proposed $936 million (USD 658m) merger. In...

US: Dem senators ask AT&T and Time Warner to show merger’s...

Democratic senators signed a letter this week asking AT&T and Time Warner to illustrate how their proposed merger “would serve the public interest.” Signatories  to the...
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