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Tag: Block Exemption

vertical agreements

Vertical Restraints (or Restrictions)

By Sandra Marco Colino (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) This paper explores the concept of vertical restraints or restrictions. It includes references to the...

Escaping Effects Analysis: The Commission’s New Approach to Restrictions by Object

Lars Kjolbye, Feb 11, 2011 The Commission must be commended for having issued new Guidelines on horizontal cooperation agreements that, in terms of the analytical...

New Kids on the Block: Retailer-driven Vertical Practices and the New...

Ioannis Lianos, Jul 07, 2010 By integrating more fully the retailer power story, the new vertical restraints guidelines and block exemption regulation provide for a...

Resale Price Maintenance in the Post-Leegin World: A Comparative Look at...

Andrew Gavil, Jun 14, 2010 The conventional wisdom today holds that the federal law of vertical restraints in the United States has been "harmonized." Thanks...
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