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EU Wants More Say In Tech, Pharma, Biotech & Start-Up Mergers

EU antitrust regulators are set to have more say over small merger deals involving start-ups in the technology, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries, the EU...
Features of Procompetitive Collaborations in the Life Sciences

Features of Procompetitive Collaborations in the Life Sciences

By Andrew C. Finch & Stefan Geirhofer1   Antitrust and patent law have complementary objectives: both are “aimed at encouraging innovation, industry and competition.”2  Abraham Lincoln...

Transaction Costs, Externalities and Innovation

By Fernando Estrada (Universidad Externado de Colombia) & Natalia Diaz There is now considerable evidence on the value of using external resources to promote the development...

Innovation and the Firm: A New Synthesis

Posted by Social Science Research Network Innovation and the Firm: A New Synthesis By Peter Lee (University of California) Abstract:       Recent scholarship highlights the...
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