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Tag: Big Tech

The Implications of Fixed/Mobile Convergence for Broadband Competition in the United States

Senator Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Repeal Broadcast Ownership Limits

By: David Oxenrod (Broadcast Law Blog) Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has introduced a bill to repeal all broadcast ownership limitations including the radio and television local ownership rules (see...

Smaller Indie Tech Backs Measures To Rein In Big Tech

More than a dozen tech companies whose products offer alternatives to those produced by technology giants have come out in favor of federal regulation...
Big Tech

White House Outlined 6 Principles To Reform Big Tech Platforms

The White House outlined six principles to reform Big Tech platforms and said it was encouraged to see bipartisan interest in Congress to rein...
The White House

White House Holding Roundtable On Big Tech Regulations

The White House on Thursday is holding a roundtable meeting on a number of technology issues hearing from experts on antitrust, privacy, algorithmic discrimination...

EU Opens Silicon Valley Office To Work Hand In Hand With...

The European Commission has opened a San Francisco office to help ease the flow of communication between the European Union’s executive branch and California-based...
1-TechREG Talks… …with Katharine Kemp, Philip Marsden & Jacqueline Downes

TechREG Talks… with Katharine Kemp, Philip Marsden & Jacqueline Downes

In this edition of CPI TechREG Talks, we have the pleasure of presenting a summary of a discussion with Philip Marsden and Allens partner...
Big Tech

The Case For Convergence Between American & European Regulation Of Big...

By Michal Halperin & Ketan Ahuja (Harvard Kennedy School) The US and the EU differ in their antitrust and competition regimes. However, the challenges brought...
big tech giants

US Proposes Bill To Give Media More Negotiating Power With Big...

A bipartisan group of US lawmakers released a revised version of a bill aimed at making it easier for news organizations to negotiate collectively...

EU Prepares For Legal Challenges To New Law That Tackles Big...

Europe’s regulators are preparing for legal challenges to landmark legislation designed to tackle Big Tech, as member states have become increasingly concerned over how...

Schumer Considers Antitrust Bills Vote As Hefty Big Tech Donations Come...

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will decide whether to hold a vote on legislation aimed at forcing more competition on big tech firms. Recently...
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