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US Lawmakers Call For More Legislation To Regulate Big Tech

Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Rep. Mike Gallagher on Sunday voiced support for legislation to increase regulations on Big Tech, expressing their concerns on NBC’s...
The Digital Markets Act: Towards A Compliance Concept For Gatekeepers By Christian Ritz, Benedikt Weiß & Tobias Kleinschmitt

The Digital Markets Act: Towards a Compliance Concept for Gatekeepers

The power structures in digital markets are currently the subject of the attention of legislators in various jurisdictions. This has been triggered by the...

How Big Tech Defeated The Biggest Antitrust Push In Decades On...

By Emily Birnbaum, Bloomberg. A passionate and bipartisan legislative effort to rein in the country’s largest technology companies collapsed this week, the victim of an...

Big Tech Companies & Regulation Advocates Clash In Congress

As Congress prepares to adjourn, tech companies and regulation advocates are making themselves heard.  The advocates are pushing for some major bills in Congress. At...

Operationalizing the Regulation of Online Content Under a Democratic Deficit: The...

Europe is currently experiencing a renewed raft of social media regulations with the newly adopt Digital Services Act. This is significant because it demonstrates...
big tech

To Rein In Big Tech, Europe Looked Beyond Lawsuits. Will the...

By Steve Lohr, The New York Times. The largest American banks are classified as “systemically important” and subject to more stringent scrutiny. Some lawmakers want...
1980s AT&T Antitrust Fight May Give Lawmakers Map To Rein In Big Tech: Bloomberg

Open Markets In The Era Of Fintech And Big Tech: Lessons...

By Jens-Uwe Franck, University of Mannheim - Department of Law. This paper analyses three routes for the formation of market-opening rules: competition enforcement, legislation, and...
1980s AT&T Antitrust Fight May Give Lawmakers Map To Rein In Big Tech: Bloomberg

Populists’ Overreach On Antitrust And Big Tech

By Gary Winslett, Middlebury College Spurred on by populists in both parties, Congress is considering a range of bills that would radically remake American antitrust...

US Senator Calls For New Big Tech Laws After Musk Twitter...

Weeks after he was impersonated on Twitter and then mocked by Elon Musk, its CEO, Sen. Ed Markey is now calling on Congress to...
Big Tech

Big Tech Will Survive But Not Thrive In Washington, D.C.

By Ben Koltun, Beacon Policy Advisors LLC. Tech is ubiquitous in American society. So are the policymaking efforts to bring Big Tech under control. But...
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