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US House Antitrust Chairman Has New Big Tech Bills In The...

Democratic Representative David Cicilline, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust panel, is preparing to come out with 10 or more pieces of legislation...

Worried About Big Tech? Meet Big Aerospace

By Brooke Sutherland, Bloomberg In a previous life at Bloomberg, I wrote about mergers and acquisitions, including a handful of deals that collapsed under U.S. regulatory scrutiny...
The Antitrust Attack on Big Tech

The Antitrust Attack on Big Tech

The four major internet platforms – Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook – have in recent months been subjected to increasing attacks on antitrust grounds....
Section 19a of the Reformed German Competition Act: A (Too) Powerful Weapon to Tame Big Tech?

Section 19a of the Reformed German Competition Act: A (Too) Powerful...

Targeted at Big Tech, Section 19a of the Competition Act, Germany’s new antitrust tool for dealing with large digital platforms, rebalances power in favor...

Big Tech, Big Data, And Competition Policy: Favoring Dynamic Over Static...

By Nicolas Petit (European University Institute) & David Teece (Institute for Business Innovation) This paper gives a fresh account of competition in the digital...

Big Tech Faces Regulatory Hurdles In China

Seismic shocks ahead for Big Tech loom — certainly in China, and almost certainly for firms here in the US Bloomberg reported on Friday (March 12)...

Congress Considers Antitrust Changes To Big Tech Merger Approvals

Both Democrats and Republicans have talked about a need to strengthen US antitrust law. This year could test whether they are serious about hammering...

China Calls On Big Tech To Share Data

China called on its technology giants to share key data, dealing a further blow to the companies already reeling from heightened antitrust scrutiny, reported...
Digital Legislation

Sen Klobuchar Wants Congress To Prioritize Tech Reform

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Democrat - Minnesota) plotted out a multi-pronged approach to taking on the power of dominant tech firms like Facebook and Google...
Big Tech

Congress Warns Big Tech: “Change Is Coming. Laws Are Coming”

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law held the first in a planned series of hearings to “consider legislative proposals to...
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