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Tag: Biden Administration

1-Junkyard Dogs: The Law And Economics Of “Junk” Fees By Howard Beales & Todd Zywicki

Junkyard Dogs: The Law and Economics of “Junk” Fees

The notion of “junk” fees is a fine piece of rhetoric, but useless as an analytical tool. Many fees identified as junk impose costs...
3-Junk Fees And Cable Tv: Lessons From The Television Viewer Protection Act By Harold Feld

Junk Fees and Cable TV: Lessons from the Television Viewer Protection...

In both an Executive Order and the State of the Union, the Biden Administration has announced a campaign to eliminate “junk fees.” The Biden...
4-President Biden Joins Federal Agencies Fighting Against Surprise Fees Harming American Consumers By Ed Mierzwinski

President Biden Joins Federal Agencies Fighting Against Surprise Fees Harming American...

The fight over junk fees has escalated in the last few years. Corporate efforts to maximize revenue by hiding price increases have drawn opposition...
5-The Cost Of Price Regulation By Sean Heather & Curtis Dubay

The Cost of Price Regulation

The Biden Administration is using recent inflationary pressure as an excuse to push a progressive price regulation agenda that would harm consumers, businesses, and...
US Law

Adviser Tim Wu To Leave Biden Administration

White House adviser Tim Wu, who worked to shape the Biden administration’s agenda to increase economic competition, is set to leave his position in...
Dysfunction Junction: U.S. Merger Review Under the Biden Administration

Dysfunction Junction: U.S. Merger Review Under the Biden Administration

By Lindsey M. Edwards1   Introduction Antitrust enforcers, practitioners, and scholars descended upon Washington, D.C. this month for the ABA’s 70th Annual Section of Antitrust Law Spring...

US Politicians Press Biden On UK Chip Factory Sale To Chinese

A special congressional task force aimed at countering threats from China is calling on the Biden administration to block the proposed sale of Britain’s...
Antitrust Chronicle - Biden's Antitrust - April 2022

Antitrust Chronicle® – Biden’s Antitrust

Dear Readers, Antitrust has been subject to an unusual degree of public attention of late. In the U.S., President Biden has made antitrust enforcement a...
1- The Decline, Fall, and Renewal of U.S. Leadership in Antitrust Law and Policy

The Decline, Fall, and Renewal of U.S. Leadership in Antitrust Law...

The United States has lost its world leadership in antitrust, evidenced by its narrow conception of market power and its abuse.  This essay pinpoints...
2- A “Revitalization of Antitrust”: Tough Talk and Broad Promises in the First Year of the Biden Administration

A “Revitalization of Antitrust”: Tough Talk and Broad Promises in...

President Biden made vigorous antitrust enforcement a key pillar of his agenda during his first year in office, setting the tone himself in July...
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