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Tag: Behavioral Remedies

Remedies: Structural, Behavioral, Both, or None? Enforcement Trade-Offs for Mergers and Antitrust

Remedies: Structural, Behavioral, Both, or None? Enforcement Trade-Offs for Mergers and...

This note reviews the rationale behind both structural and behavioral remedies, not only in merger but also in antitrust cases. The cost-benefit analysis for...
Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies

Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies

The European Commission’s remedial practice displays important differences in the type of remedies accepted in merger as opposed to antitrust cases. This paper briefly...
An Economist’s Thoughts on Behavioral Remedies in Merger Enforcement

An Economist’s Thoughts on Behavioral Remedies in Merger Enforcement

There is a substantial literature examining the experience in both the United States and the European Union with the imposition by enforcement agencies of...
Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies in Big Tech Sectors

Structural vs. Behavioral Remedies in Big Tech Sectors

In this short article, we evaluate the role of structural and behavioral remedies in big tech sectors. First, we highlight the prominence of structural...

What Past US Agency Actions Say About Complexity in Merger Remedies,...

Posted by Social Science Research Network What Past US Agency Actions Say About Complexity in Merger Remedies, With an Application to Generic Drug Divestitures By Eric...

Merger Remedies with Chinese Characteristics

Sandra Chan, Joanna Tsai, Elizabeth Xiao Wang, Aug 26, 2013 Merger remedies imposed by China's merger review agency, Ministry of Commerce ("MOFCOM"), have received considerable...

MOFCOM Publishes Draft Merger Remedy Rules

May 21, 2013 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: MOFCOM Publishes Draft Merger Remedy Rules - James Modrall, Matthew Bachrack,&...

A Practitioner’s Look at Merger Control Remedies in China

Francois Renard, Jan 25, 2012 Since the entry into force of its antitrust rules, China has approved transactions subject to "restrictive conditions," also called "remedies"...

A Practitioner’s Look at Merger Control Remedies in China

Francois Renard, Jan 25, 2012} Since the entry into force of its antitrust rules, China has approved transactions subject to "restrictive conditions," also called "remedies"...
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