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Tag: Barrier to Entry

Framing the Antitrust Issues in the Google Books Settlement

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Einer Elhauge, Oct 29, 2009 Proper analysis of the Google books settlement requires framing...

The FTC’s Stacked Deck under Section 13(b): Does CCC Holdings Herald...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Thomas Lambert, Apr 30, 2009 The outcome of the district court's decision in FTC...

Two-Sided Platform Markets and the Application of the Traditional Antitrust Analytical...

Renata Hesse, Apr 19, 2007 It only takes working through a single matter that involves a two-sided market to recognize that the antitrust analysis can...

Predatory Pricing and Related Practices under Section 2 of the Sherman...

Sep 01, 2005 A firm may reduce its prices in an attempt to destroy its rivals or to deter new entry. Although the Sherman Act...
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