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Tag: Banking

South Korea Agrees To Lower Banking Barriers For The First Time...

South Korea has launched a major expansion of its banking sector, currently dominated by just five lenders. The country's Financial Services Commission (FSC) announced Wednesday (July 5) that it...

SVB Hearing: Lawmakers Allege Top Banking Regulators Asleep At The Wheel

House lawmakers showed that their teeth can just bite as tough as their Senate counterparts during the second day of congressional hearings about how Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)...
7-Bank Mergers Are Systemically Important: A Review Of Bank Markets And The Merger Review Process By Robert C. MacKay

Bank Mergers Are Systemically Important: A Review of Bank Markets and...

I analyze several aspects of recent changes in the banking industry, some of which correspond to the financial crisis in 2008 and the government’s...
Regulating Digital Gatekeepers: Lessons from the Banking Industry

Reviving Bank Antitrust

By: Jeremy C. Kress (CLS Blue Sky Blog) Antitrust is back. The Chicago School relegated antitrust policy to obscurity during the latter half of the...
Investment UK flag

UK Watchdog Issues Warning To Monzo Over Banking Regulations, Again

The United Kingdom’s competition watchdog has issued a warning to UK challenger bank Monzo over a breach of retail banking regulations under the Retail Banking...
4- Limited Development of Big Tech Firms in Credit Activity Lack of Iincentives or Barrier to Entry

Limited Development of Big Tech Firms in Credit Activity: Lack of...

The limited expansion of Big Tech into retail banking activities in the EU (and the U.S.) is, at first sight, a puzzle.  Big Tech...
Chile’s Fintech Law Project - Innovation Competition and Financial Inclusion

Chile’s Fintech Law Project – Advancements Towards Innovation, Competition and Financial...

By Valentina Novoa1   The global financial architecture has changed. Indeed, the entry of new Fintech companies across the world has spurred the need for new...
Competitive Potential of Open Banking Canada

Maximizing the Competitive Potential of Open Banking: Insight from the Canadian...

Open banking allows users to securely transfer information between financial service providers. This eases consumer switching and incentivizes the development of a range of...

Brazil’s Central Bank Uses Payment Platform To Encourage Competition

Brazil’s central bank is revving up its years-long effort to bust up the country’s clubby banking industry, reported The Wall Street Journal. The payment system,...

US: Google to team with banks

Google is planning to launch consumer checking accounts next year in partnership with Citigroup and Stanford University, The Financial Times reported on Wednesday (Nov. 13). Code-named Cache,...
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