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Tag: Artificial intelligence

Algorithmic Collusion & Its Implications for Competition Law and Policy

Posted by Social Science Research Network Algorithmic Collusion & Its Implications for Competition Law and Policy By Kenji Lee Algorithms are increasingly employed by businesses as an integral...

Is Blockchain the Death of Antitrust Law? The Blockchain Antitrust Paradox

Posted by Social Science Research Network Is Blockchain the Death of Antitrust Law? The Blockchain Antitrust Paradox By Thibault Schrepel  To this day, the legal system has...

UK: Artificial intelligence data should be regulated Lords say

Regulators should review the "potential monopolization of data" by US technology giants in the UK that could hamper homegrown development of artificial intelligence (AI),...

Algorithmic Pricing Agents and Tacit Collusion: A Technological Perspective

Posted by Social Science Research Network Algorithmic Pricing Agents and Tacit Collusion: A Technological Perspective By Ashwin Ittoo & Nicolas Petit (University of Liege) Abstract:     Amongst...

When Machines Learn to Collude: Lessons from a Recent Research Study...

Posted by Social Science Research Network When Machines Learn to Collude: Lessons from a Recent Research Study on Artificial Intelligence By Ai Deng (Bates White Economic...

US: Apple’s Siri smarter with Artificial Intelligence Company buy

Apple is taking constant efforts to equip its voice-based personal assistant called Siri with outstanding features to make it smarter. Recently the company has...
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