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The Emperor’s Clothes Laid Bare: Commitments Creating the Appearance of Law,...

Oct 15, 2013 This article examines how the Article 9 commitments procedure under EC Regulation 1/2003 is increasingly being used to create policy under the...

The Binding Nature of NCA Decisions in Antitrust Follow-on Litigation: Is...

Stefano Grassani, Aug 12, 2013 The European Commission believes that-given the procedural asymmetries between plaintiffs and defendants-public enforcement of antitrust law by national competition authorities...

From Microsoft to Google Continued Divergence in Transatlantic Antitrust Settlements?

Jose Gonzalez-Magaz, William Gordon, Mar 28, 2013 Parties seeking dual settlements with the European Commission and the U.S. antitrust agencies are challenged by their differing...

A Plea for Plea Bargaining Closing the Gaps Between the EU’s...

Ken Daly, Mar 28, 2013 In laudable efforts to increase its output, the European Commission has developed three tools-leniency, settlements, and commitments-to help it discover...

Critical Considerations on the Commission’s Commitment to the Commitment Procedure

Florian Wagner-von Papp, Mar 28, 2013 Article 9 Regulation (EC) 1/2003 introduced the commitment procedure into European Union ("EU") law. What was initially expected to be...
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