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Tag: Article 82


In this issue: Analyzing the Article 82 Guidance Paper Brian Sher, Feb 11, 2009 Leveraging Non-Contestability: Exclusive Dealing and Rebates under the Commission's Article 82...


In this issue: Treatment of Single-Product and Bundled Rebates in the EC Laurent Geelhand, Johanne Peyre, Jun 10, 2008 Michelin welcomes the European Commission's will to correct...


In this issue: More on the HMT Gregory Werden, Apr 10, 2008 Critical Loss: Not Implementing the Hypothetical Monopolist Test! Reply to Coate & Fischer's response to the...

Review of Elhauge & Geradin´s Global Competition Law and Economics

Nov 05, 2007 Professors Einer Elhauge and Damien Geradin begin the preface to their new casebook, Global Competition Law and Economics, by observing that no...

The European Commission Formulates its Enforcement Priorities as Regards Exclusionary Conduct...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Philip Lowe, Feb 11, 2009 During the past 50 years, the enforcement of Article...

The Commission Guidance on Predation: A Cautious Step In the Right...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Thomas Janssens, Feb 05, 2009 In the EU, predatory pricing analysis traditionally has stood...

A Brief Note on U.S. and EC Competition Policies and Their...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle C. Boyden Gray, Jul 12, 2008 Although U.S. and EC antitrust law have converged...

Anticompetitive Rebates in EC Competition Law: A Way Forward?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Renato Nazzini, Jun 10, 2008 One area of EC competition law that has been...

Tying after Microsoft: One Step Forward and Two Steps Back?

Kelyn Bacon, Apr 24, 2008 In the tying part of the Microsoft case, as in the interoperability part of the case, the CFI upheld the...

The Thirteenth Chime of the Clock

R. Hewitt Pate, Apr 24, 2008 Few judgments of the European Court of First Instance (CFI) have attracted as much attention or controversy as the...
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