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Vertical Agreements under the UK Competition Act 1998: A Twenty-Year Retrospective

By Alison Jones (King's College London) This Chapter charts the development of UK competition law and policy towards vertical agreements since the Competition Act 1998...

Object Restrictions and Two-sided Markets in EU Competition Law after Cartes...

Renato Nazzini, Ali Nikpay, Jan 30, 2015 On September 11, 2014, the Court of Justice overturned the judgment of the General Court upholding the European...

RPM in the European Union: Any Developments Since Leegin?

CFilippo Amato, Nov 14, 2013 Suspicions regarding the use of resale price maintenance in vertical agreements, i.e., agreements between a supplier and its distributors, have...

Resale Price Maintenance The Blurred Lines

Ozlem Fidanboylu, Christian Riis-Madsen, Nov 14, 2013 The 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Leegin set in motion a landslide by overturning a 96-year old precedent....

The New EU Competition Rules for the Assessment of Horizontal Agreements,...

Paul Lugard, Feb 18, 2011 Following a consultation process of more than two years, the European Commission has now adopted its Guidelines on the applicability...

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Comments to the Commission’s...

Jorge Padilla, Feb 11, 2011 This note sets out my comments to Section 7 of the Guidelines on the applicability of Article 101 of the...

Escaping Effects Analysis: The Commission’s New Approach to Restrictions by Object

Lars Kjolbye, Feb 11, 2011 The Commission must be commended for having issued new Guidelines on horizontal cooperation agreements that, in terms of the analytical...

Information Exchanges Among Competitors under the New Horizontal Guidelines “ A...

Andreas Reindl, Feb 11, 2011 In December 2010 the Commission adopted the revised Horizontal Guidelines with a new chapter on information exchanges. The draft Guidelines...

Vertical Agreements: New Competition Rules for the Next Decade

Magdalena Brenning-Louko, Andrei Gurin, Luc Peeperkorn, Katja Viertiö, Jan 06, 2011 On 20 April 2010 the Commission adopted a new Block Exemption Regulation applicable to...

The New EC Block Exemption for Vertical Restraints: A Step Forward...

Paul Lugard, Theon van Dijk, Jul 07, 2010 Today, more than 10 years after the adoption of Regulation 2790/1999, much has changed. First, while the...
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