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Tag: Antitrust

Google’s Antitrust Woes Around the World

Posted by Social Science Research Network Google's Antitrust Woes Around the World By Elena Perotti (World Association of Newspapers) Abstract:      In this paper, Elena Perotti...

Invigorating Vertical Merger Enforcement

Posted by Social Science Research Network Invigorating Vertical Merger Enforcement By Steven C. Salop (Georgetown University) Abstract:     This short symposium article explains why and how vertical...

A Prelude to Jenkins v. NCAA: Amateurism, Antitrust Law, and the...

Posted by Social Science Research Network A Prelude to Jenkins v. NCAA: Amateurism, Antitrust Law, and the Role of Consumer Demand in a Proper Rule...

Horizontal Shareholding and Antitrust Policy

Posted by Social Science Research Network Horizontal Shareholding and Antitrust Policy By Fiona M. Scott Morton (Yale) & Herbert J. Hovenkamp (Univ. of Pennsylvania) Abstract:     “Horizontal...

Accommodating Capital and Policing Labor: Antitrust in the Two Gilded Ages

Posted by Social Science Research Network Accommodating Capital and Policing Labor: Antitrust in the Two Gilded Ages By Sandeep Vaheesan Abstract:      In enacting the antitrust laws,...

Algorithmic Pricing Agents and Tacit Collusion: A Technological Perspective

Posted by Social Science Research Network Algorithmic Pricing Agents and Tacit Collusion: A Technological Perspective By Ashwin Ittoo & Nicolas Petit (University of Liege) Abstract:     Amongst...

US: DoJ oks CenturyLink’s buy of Level 3

Telecommunications provider CenturyLink has won US antitrust approval for its purchase of Level 3 Communications on condition that it sell certain assets, according to...

US: DOJ Challenges $4b merger months after HSR deadline

Earlier this week, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit seeking to unwind Parker-Hannifin's US$4.3 billion consummated acquisition of...

Google critic takes on tech giants

Posted by The Hill Google critic takes on tech giants By Harper Neidig Barry Lynn has been pushing the government to crack down on corporate power for 16...

Extraterritoriality and Intra-Territoriality in US Antitrust Law

Posted by Social Science Research Network Extraterritoriality and Intra-Territoriality in US Antitrust Law By Josh Hazan (Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz) &  Douglas H. Ginsburg (US...
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