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Tag: Antitrust

Android – Is There a Viable Monopolization Case?

Posted by Social Science Research Network Android - Is There a Viable Monopolization Case? By Stephen Houck This paper considers the viability of a Sherman Act § 2...

Serial Collusion by Multi-Product Firms

Posted by Social Science Research Network Serial Collusion by Multi-Product Firms By William E. Kovacic, Robert C. Marshall & Michael J. Meurer We provide empirical evidence that many multi-product firms...

Europe promotes competition more than America

Posted by The Washington Post Europe promotes competition more than America By Mario Monti MILAN — President Trump’s “America First” motto may seem straightforward, but in reality,...

Potential Legal Issues in Terminating the ASCAP and BMI Decrees

Posted by Social Science Research Network Potential Legal Issues in Terminating the ASCAP and BMI Decrees By Allen P. Grunes & Maurice E. Stucke This paper addresses some of...

Infractions of the Competition as Externalities

Posted by Social Science Research Network Infractions of the Competition as Externalities By Enrique Sanjuan  PUBLIC LAW VS PRIVATE RIGHT OF COMPETITION In the present work we analyze the...

Algorithmic Collusion & Its Implications for Competition Law and Policy

Posted by Social Science Research Network Algorithmic Collusion & Its Implications for Competition Law and Policy By Kenji Lee Algorithms are increasingly employed by businesses as an integral...

Reconciling the Matchmaker Economy with Competition Policy

Posted by Social Science Research Network  Reconciling the Matchmaker Economy with Competition Policy By David A. Balto & Matthew Lane There is no doubt that the enforcement of competition...

The Case for Global Best Practices in Antitrust Procedural Fairness

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Case for Global Best Practices in Antitrust Procedural Fairness By D. Daniel Sokol Procedural fairness and its two component parts,...

A Focus on Price: Antitrust in the Kavanaugh Era

Posted by New York Law Journal A Focus on Price: Antitrust in the Kavanaugh Era By Shepard Goldfein and Karen Hoffman Lent  With confirmation hearings looming for DC...

After Sinclair-Tribune Falls Apart, How Do You Model A Media Merger?

Posted by Forbes After Sinclair-Tribune Falls Apart, How Do You Model A Media Merger? By Howard Homonoff This week saw the formal announcement of the end of the...
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