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Tag: Antitrust

The Effects of Rapid Technological Change on Regulatory Policies in the...

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Effects of Rapid Technological Change on Regulatory Policies in the Communications Sector By Robert Crandall  Predicting what future changes in technology...

Antitrust, Political Economy, and the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust, Political Economy, and the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh By Chris Sagers  The essay considers the record of Supreme Court nominee...

US: DOJ’s antitrust head detailed antitrust limits for FRAND

Delrahim, head of the DOJs antitrust division said in a speech yesterday, that violating a promise to license on fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms...

Brazil: CADE probes banks in cryptocurrency trade

Brazil’s antitrust regulator is reportedly inspecting six major national banks for alleged monopolistic practices in the crypto space, Reuters reported on September 18. Brazil’s antitrust...

EU: Commission ruling on Microsoft’s GitHub acquisition expected next month

Back in June, Microsoft announced plans to acquire GitHub for US$7.5 billion. As reported by Reuters, the EU will be ruling on Microsoft’s GitHub...

The Economics Of Amateurism: Breaking Down The Latest Lawsuit Against The...

Posted by Forbes The Economics Of Amateurism: Breaking Down The Latest Lawsuit Against The NCAA By Thomas Baker In what could prove to be a battle...

US: Former FTC commissioner joins Covington

Terrell McSweeny has joined Covington & Burling as a partner in the Antitrust and Competition Law and Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice Groups in...

South Korea: First birthday for the KFTC bureau

The Korean Fair Trade Commission’s (KFTC) Business Group Bureau celebrates its first anniversary this month. In just its first year, the Bureau has collected...

The Federal Trade Commission’s Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in...

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Federal Trade Commission's Hearings on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st Century, the Consumer Welfare Standard in...

Amazon’s Antitrust Antagonist Has a Breakthrough Idea

Posted by The New York Times Amazon’s Antitrust Antagonist Has a Breakthrough Idea By David Streitfeld The dead books are on the top floor of Southern Methodist...
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