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Tag: Antitrust remedies

Antitrust Remedies In Digital Markets

Antitrust Remedies In Digital Markets: Lessons For Enforcement Authorities From Non-Compliance...

By Thomas Hoppner (Technical University Wildau) A recently published study by the author addressed the remedies imposed in the European Commission’s (the “Commission”) Google Search...
Antitrust Remedies

Antitrust Remedies – Antitrust Chronicle®

Antitrust remedies have become a hot topic in recent months. Prominent politicians around the world are calling for certain technology companies to be “broken up” for alleged antitrust infringements. In parallel, there have been significant policy shifts in the U.S. as regards the correct approach to remedies in merger enforcement.
Behavioral Remedies in U.S. Merger Settlements: Past, Present and Future

Behavioral Remedies in U.S. Merger Settlements: Past, Present and Future

While in the past, the FTC and DOJ have been receptive to considering behavioral remedies to resolve discrete competition concerns arising from the vertical...

Restoring the Legitimacy of Private Antitrust Enforcement

Posted by Social Science Research Network Restoring the Legitimacy of Private Antitrust Enforcement By Joshua P. Davis (University of San Francisco) & Robert H. Lande (University...
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