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Tag: Antitrust Chronicle

Antitrust Chronicle - Robinson’s Imperfect Competition

Antitrust Chronicle® – Robinson’s Imperfect Competition

Dear Readers, Sometimes perfection can be the enemy of the good. Most economists idealize the notion of “perfect competition,” whereby any profit-maximizing producer faces a market...
Joan Robinson, Efficiencies from Concentration, and the Evolution of Competition Policy

Joan Robinson, Efficiencies from Concentration, and the Evolution of Competition Policy

British economist Joan Robinson’s profound contributions to industrial economics still resonate across a wide range of subject matter. Her work is particularly relevant in...
Antitrust Chronicle - Gatekeepers

Antitrust Chronicle® – Gatekeepers

Dear Readers, What is a gatekeeper? More than other terms of art that have gained currency in recent years, the notion of a “gatekeeper” holds...
Antitrust Chronicle - Killer Acquisitions

Antitrust Chronicle® – Killer Acquisitions

Dear Readers, What is a killer acquisition? The term was first employed in the pharmaceutical sector to describe acquisitions by an incumbent of a competitor...
Antitrust Remedies

Antitrust Remedies – Antitrust Chronicle®

Antitrust remedies have become a hot topic in recent months. Prominent politicians around the world are calling for certain technology companies to be “broken up” for alleged antitrust infringements. In parallel, there have been significant policy shifts in the U.S. as regards the correct approach to remedies in merger enforcement.
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