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Tag: Antitrust Analysis


Meta’s Market Cap Crash Could Help to Dodge US Antitrust Bill

By PYMNTS When Meta announced its quarterly results last week and warned about the strong competition that is facing from other companies like TikTok, the...
Epic v. Apple

Court Issues Mixed Ruling in Epic v. Apple Antitrust Trial

By Christopher M. Wyant & Ruby A. Nagamine, National Law Review On 10 September 2021, the Northern District of California issued a highly anticipated decision...

Vertical Agreements under the UK Competition Act 1998: A Twenty-Year Retrospective

By Alison Jones (King's College London) This Chapter charts the development of UK competition law and policy towards vertical agreements since the Competition Act 1998...

The Effects of Piracy on Competition: Evidence from Subscription TV

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Effects of Piracy on Competition: Evidence from Subscription TV By Christian Rojas (University of Massachusetts) & Arturo Briceño Abstract:  ...

Market Investigations as a New Tool for Competition Agencies: The Mexican...

By Carlos Mena-Labarthe Competition authorities around the world, particularly in developing countries, can find a way to intervene through these new proceedings to eliminate barriers...

Not So Natural Experiments

Gregory Leonard, Jul 29, 2013 Over the last 20 years, the economics profession has moved away from the estimation of structural economic models and toward...

Joint Ventures and the Sherman Act: The Problem Revealed by American...

Thomas Brown, Katherine Robison, Ian Simmons, Jan 07, 2011 The transcript of the oral argument in this year's most watched antitrust case, American Needle v....
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