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Tag: Anticompetitive

US: Endo settles FTC allegations that it paid rivals to delay...

The Federal Trade Commission said Monday it had settled litigation that Endo International violated antitrust laws when it entered "anticompetitive reverse-payment" deals with rivals...

Lithuania: Competition watchdog starts inquiry into Swedbank unit

Lithuania's competition watchdog said it had started an inquiry in December into whether its largest retail bank Swedbank had engaged in anti-competitive practices. The Competition...

US: Apple files $1 billion lawsuit against chip supplier Qualcomm

Apple filed a $1 billion lawsuit against supplier Qualcomm on Friday, days after the US government accused the chip maker of resorting to anticompetitive...

Turkey: Competition board fines Booking.com

The Turkish Competition Board recently published a short-form decision concluding that Booking.com B.V. had breached Article 4 of Law on Protection of Competition Number...
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