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A Systematic Content Analysis Of Innovation In European Competition Law

By Thibault Schrepel, VU University Amsterdam Innovation plays a crucial role in defining competitive dynamics. Given this fact, one might expect ‘innovation’ to play a...

The lifecycles of competition systems: observations on the evolutionary paths

By William E. Kovacic and Marianela Lopez-Galdos Studying the lifecycles of competition systems can assist existing competition agencies to understand what they must do to...

Why ex-post evaluation is so important (and so little used) in...

By Juan Delgado and Hector Otero This article explores why the ex-post analysis of antitrust and mergers decisions is important, how it can be performed...

Experience is the teacher of all things. Improving enforcement decisions through...

By Silvia Carrieri Competition Authorities willing to improve their efficacy and to advocate the value of their work should consider ex-post evaluations as a valuable...

Supplement to Platform Economics: The Economics of Multi-Sided Businesses

Oct 16, 2013   I’ve written the following articles on multi-sided platforms since the publication of Platform Economics: Essays on Multi-Sided Businesses in December 2011. Hopefully,...

Evidence-Based Antitrust Enforcement in the Technology Sector

Joshua Wright, Mar 04, 2013 This article is based on a presentation of remarks presented on February 23, 2013 at the inauguration of the ICT...

Reconciling the Opposing Views of Critical Elasticity

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Michael Baumann, Paul Godek, Sep 24, 2009 Market definition is the core of antitrust...

A Short History of the DOJ Section 2 Report

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Michael Salinger, Jul 13, 2009 Now that the Antitrust Division has withdrawn the Section...

Assessing Antitrust Injury in the Class Certification Context

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Kristin McNamara, William Rooney, Jun 25, 2008 Courts are increasingly examining the factual and...

Beyond Critical Loss: Properly Applying the Hypothetical Monopolist Test

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Gregory Werden, Feb 25, 2008 The hypothetical monopolist test (HMT) for market delineation holds...
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