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EU: Amazon probe quizzes smaller rivals about “copy-cat” products

The European Commission, as part of its probe into Amazon’s data practices, has sent Amazon merchants a 16 page form to be filled out...
CPI Talks… with Margrethe Vestager

US/EU: Vestager talks about big tech and Amazon

On Wednesday, September 26, EC Commissioner Margrethe Vestager sat down at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York and discussed in an interview...

India: Amazon acquires Indian grocery chain for US$580m

Amazon, along with private equity firm Samara Capital, will acquire Indian supermarket chain More for an undisclosed sum. According to DealStreetAsia, a source said...

EU: Vestager opens probe into Amazon

Amazon’s business model is under the spotlight in Europe after the EU’s antitrust watchdog launched a preliminary investigation into how the platform uses data...

US: Bezos isn’t worried about Amazon antitrust concerns

On Thursday Amazon' founder Jeff Bezos said he was not worried about the potential for anti-trust scrutiny of the company as it becomes an...

US: Senate Commerce Committee wants a word with Google, Amazon, Twitter

AT&T, Twitter, Alphabet’s Google and three other major web and internet service companies plan to testify before a US Senate panel later in September...

How to Reform the Law on Abusive Practices: The study that...

September 2018 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: How to Reform the Law on Abusive Practices: The study that...

Amazon’s Antitrust Antagonist Has a Breakthrough Idea

Posted by The New York Times Amazon’s Antitrust Antagonist Has a Breakthrough Idea By David Streitfeld The dead books are on the top floor of Southern Methodist...

US: Senate Hearing on Post Office prices has been delayed

A Senate hearing slated to look at overhauling the US Postal Service (USPS), including looking at what Amazon and others pay for package delivery,...

US: Google, Facebook, Amazon may be “antitrust situation” says Trump

According to an interview last week with Bloomberg News, US President Donald Trump is stepping up his criticism of technology firms. Trump says they...
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