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Tag: Allergan


US: Duke, Allergan beat antitrust suit

According to Bloomberg, Duke University and Allergan convinced a District of New Jersey judge to strip antitrust counterclaims from their lawsuit accusing Akorn of...

US: Allergan to shed two drugs for AbbVie deal

Allergan has confirmed that it will divest experimental inflammatory bowel disease therapy brazikumab and marketed drug Zenpep ahead of its US$63 billion acquisition by...

US: Allergan beats Class Certification appeal

The union pension funds claiming Allergan delayed the rollout of generic Asacol will have to wait until the end of trial-level proceedings to challenge...

US: AbbVie to Buy Allergan for $63B

US drugmaker AbbVie has agreed to buy Allergan, the Irish-domiciled maker of Botox, in a US$63 billion that is the sector’s latest blockbuster transaction...

US: Allergan safe from new class certification bid in antitrust case

A federal judge on Thursday, April 11, declined to consider a request to certify a class of health plans and insurers who claim the...

US: Shire sues Allergan for hindering competition

Shire filed an antitrust suit against Allergan, alleging Allergan's contracts with Medicare Part D drug plans for its Restasis eye drops effectively blocked access...
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