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Tag: Algorithms

Algorithmic Collusion: A Real Problem for Competition Policy?

Algorithmic Collusion: A Real Problem for Competition Policy?

By Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Vincenzo Denicolò & Sergio Pastorello Recently, antitrust authorities started to worry about the possible consequences of algorithmic pricing. Indeed, we...
Algorithms in Contemporary EU Competition Enforcement: Evolution Before Revolution?

Algorithms in Contemporary EU Competition Enforcement: Evolution Before Revolution?

Algorithms perform a variety of functions within digital ecosystems, many of which have the potential to impact the effective operation of competition in these...
Combating Anti-Competitive Behavior Involving Algorithms: Platform Design and Organizational Process

Combating Anti-Competitive Behavior Involving Algorithms: Platform Design and Organizational Process

By Justin P. Johnson, Andrew Rhodes & Matthijs Wildenbeest In this article we examine anti-competitive effects associated with algorithms and what can be done about...
A Few Reflections on the Recent Case Law on Algorithmic Collusion

A Few Reflections on the Recent Case Law on Algorithmic Collusion

By Claudia Patricia O’Kane & Ioannis Kokkoris The article discusses the limited number of cases where the use of algorithms was found to be a...
(Mis)understanding Algorithmic Collusion

(Mis)understanding Algorithmic Collusion

For a few years now, there has been a lot of talk about pricing algorithms and their potential for collusion. This article first provides...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2.0: Is the New Concerted Practices Prohibition an Effective Patch to Address Algorithmic Collusion?

The Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2.0: Is the New Concerted...

Pricing algorithms can be deployed as a tool to facilitate collusion and therefore cause consumer harm. Where this happens, the conduct may not necessarily...

Germany/France: Regulators present a joint study on algorithms

The Autorité de la concurrence and the German Bundeskartellamt have presented a joint study on algorithms and competition, during a conference at the École...

Summary of FTC Hearing #7: Algorithms, AI, and Predictive Analytics

December 2018 Summary of FTC Hearing #7: Algorithms, AI, and Predictive Analytics By Norman Armstrong, Jr. and Albert Kim (King & Spalding)1 Introduction The FTC continued its...

UK: CMA publishes a study into pricing algorithms

The CMA has published a study into pricing algorithms and whether they could be used to support illegal practices. The research increases the CMA’s expertise...

The Blockchain Antitrust Paradox

Posted by Social Science Research Network Is Blockchain the Death of Antitrust Law? The Blockchain Antitrust Paradox By Thibault Schrepel To this day, the legal system has been...
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