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Competition Commission of Singapore: Our Competition Advocacy Journey

By EeMei Tang, Eugene Chen & Weilu Lim - Even with a decade of advocacy experience under its belt, CCS continues to face challenges moving...

CPI (10)1

In this issue: The Spring/Summer 2014 issue of Competition Policy International presents a lively discussion regarding effective institutional designs for competition regimes. More than 100...

The Design of Competition Policy Institutions for the 21st Century—The Experience...

Philip Lowe, Sep 11, 2014 All competition policy and enforcement systems consist of essentially two components: the legal instruments (‘rules’) governing both substance, competences and...

Competition Commission of India: Institutional Design and Decision Making

Nisha Kaur Uberoi, Cyril Shroff, Sep 11, 2014 Over the last few decades, an increasing number of countries have taken legislative measures coupled with effective...

Making Markets Work Well: The U.K. Market Investigations Regime

Andrea Coscelli, Antonia Horrocks, Sep 11, 2014 Competition policy is recognized by the U.K. government as a key driver of productivity and growth. The CMA's...

Institutional Design and Decision-Making in the Competition and Markets Authority

Alex Chisholm, David Currie, Tim Jarvis, Sep 11, 2014 In this article, we set out how the reforms to the U.K. competition regime and the...

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2014

Sep 11, 2014 The first competition law was passed in 1889 in Canada, followed shortly by the United States in 1890. Subsequent expansion of competition...

The International Competition Community at Work

Paul Lugard, Jul 14, 2011 Over the past decade, the International Competition Network ("ICN") has brought important changes to the substance, procedure, and administration of...
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