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Asia Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges – A Global Call For Competition Policy Advocacy

Asia Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges – A Global Call for Competition...

Recognizing the economic opportunity and potential Asia-Pacific countries offer, the present article seeks to leverage competition advocacy tools for building and strengthening competition culture...
The Covid-19 Take-Off of Competition Advocacy in Asia Pacific

The Covid-19 Take-off of Competition Advocacy in Asia Pacific

Competition advocacy has played an important role in the Asia-Pacific. The COVID-19 crisis has only increased its importance, but it has also shown advocacy...

Experience is the teacher of all things. Improving enforcement decisions through...

By Silvia Carrieri Competition Authorities willing to improve their efficacy and to advocate the value of their work should consider ex-post evaluations as a valuable...

Competition community & multilateral development banks: Opportunities for further cooperation

By Beatriz De Guindos Talavera and Marianela Lopez Galdos The absence of a level playing field or even the mere perception of an anticompetitive environment...

Competition Commission of Singapore: Our Competition Advocacy Journey

By EeMei Tang, Eugene Chen & Weilu Lim - Even with a decade of advocacy experience under its belt, CCS continues to face challenges moving...


During this month, we've been publishing papers from competition authorities describing ways to educate an audience that may not even understand what "competition policy"...


It's far cheaper not to commit the crime then commit it and get caught. So it's no surprise that the savvier competition authorities spend...

Some Thoughts on “Advocacy: A Driver For Change” – ICN Workshop,...

Jan 23, 2014 CPI ICN Column edited by Maria Coppola (U.S. Federal Trade Commission) Some Thoughts on “Advocacy: A Driver For Change” - ICN Workshop, December...
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The ICN’s 12th Annual Conference in 1000 Words or Less

Maria Coppola, Apr 30, 2013 CPI ICN Column edited by Maria Coppola (U.S. Federal Trade Commission)   More than 500 delegates, representing more than 80 competition agencies...

Not One, But Five Videos & a Comic Book

Sep 13, 2011 I3 - CCS' Advocacy Framework I. Introduction Singapore has been consistently ranked as one of the world's most competitive economies, built as a...
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