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Tag: Abuse of Dominance

US: Companies lobby for FTC choice that can take-on tech giants

Companies with past issues with Google believe President Trump should nominate Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes to be the next chairman of the Federal...

US: Fairway Energy files antitrust lawsuit against Magellan Midstream

In an antitrust lawsuit filed today in Harris County District Court, Fairway Energy Partners, alleges that Magellan Midstream Partners and its subsidiary, Magellan Crude...
U.S. / EU Antitrust Friction In The Time Of Brexit: Toward A Rosier Scenario?

U.S. / EU Antitrust Friction In The Time Of Brexit: Toward...

By Tad Lipsky - Although U.S. and EU antitrust rules share many elements, their historical roots are distinct and a variety of important tensions and inconsistencies...

The Value of Checks and Balances: “Non“ Dominance in Restricted TV...

February 14, 2017 The Value of Checks and Balances: “Non“ Dominance in Restricted TV and Audio in Mexico – Francisco E. Castillo & Elisa V....

Android, iOS And Market Power – What Does Mobile Platform Competition...

By Jakob Kucharczyk - The European Commission’s competition investigation into Google’s Android mobile operating system (“OS”) has raised a lot of attention and commentary. So...
Google Mobile And Competition: The Current State Of Play

Google, Mobile And Competition: The Current State Of Play

By Benjamin Edelman - Google’s widely-used Android operating system is open source software. Any developer who wishes to examine the source code can download it in...
Rethinking the CCA: Draft Legislation Lays Groundwork for Significant Change

Rethinking the CCA: Draft Legislation Lays Groundwork for Significant Change

By Elizabeth Avery, Simon Muys & Matt Rubinstein - Australia’s competition laws have been under review for over two years. The Competition Policy Review chaired...
Canada’s TREB Decision on Abuse of Dominance: Points of Possible Divergence

Canada’s TREB Decision on Abuse of Dominance: Points of Possible Divergence

By Randall Hofley - The recent Canadian Competition Tribunal decision in Commissioner of Competition v. Toronto Real Estate Board provides a detailed outline of each element...
How Many “Likes” for the German Facebook Antitrust Probe?

How Many “Likes” for the German Facebook Antitrust Probe?

By Dr. Anna Blume Huttenlauch - The German Federal Cartel Office caused quite a stir, not only among antitrust lawyers, when it recently announced that it...
Rebates: Formalism, Effects and the Real World

Rebates: Formalism, Effects and the Real World

By Lia Vitzilaiou - Rebates by dominant undertakings are a controversial area in competition law. While they can be part of genuine price competition and lead...
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