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Tag: Abuse of Dominance

Testimony on Exclusive Dealing for the DOJ/FTC Hearings on Single-Firm Conduct...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Joshua Wright, Nov 17, 2006 On November 15, 2006, Joshua Wright presented testimony before...

The Law and Economics of Tying

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle David Evans, Christian Ahlborn, Jorge Padilla, Michael Salinger, Nov 03, 2006 GCP is the...

Predatory Price Cutting: Notes and Comments

Sep 01, 2005 In this article, Professor Yamey reviews the post-war contributions to the literature and analysis of predatory price cutting. While the point has...

Predatory Pricing and Related Practices under Section 2 of the Sherman...

Sep 01, 2005 A firm may reduce its prices in an attempt to destroy its rivals or to deter new entry. Although the Sherman Act...

Classic Papers on Predatory Pricing

Keith Hylton, Sep 01, 2005 Perhaps no area of antitrust law provokes as much controversy as predatory pricing, the theory that a firm violates the...
The Cat Warns Antitrust Watchdogs to be Careful When Looking at Excessive Pricing

Below-Cost Pricing and Loyalty-Inducing Discounts: Are They Restrictive and If So,...

Alberto Heimler, Sep 01, 2005 Abuse of dominance is the area where the divergence between U.S. and EC antitrust enforcement practices is still very significant....
Loyalty Rebates – A Corporate Counsel Guide

Loyalty Rebates: An Assessment of Competition Concerns and a Proposed Structured...

David Spector, Sep 01, 2005 Like most pricing practices, loyalty rebates may benefit or harm consumers according to the circumstances. This paper reviews the pro-competitive...
IP Services

The Article 82 Review Process and Its Impact on Compulsory Licensing...

Alicia Van Cauwelaert, Apr 01, 2006 This paper reviews the position put forward by the Commission in relation to the concept of an exclusionary abuse,...
Jorge Padilla

Review of O´Donoghue and Padilla, The Law and Economics of Article...

Richard Whish, Nov 01, 2006 Review of O´Donoghue and Padilla, The extent to which EC competition law has been modernized in the last decade is...

An Economic Approach to Article 82

Jordi Gual, Anne Perrot, Michele Polo, Patrick Rey, Klaus Schmidt, Rune Stenbacka, Apr 01, 2006 This report argues in favour of an economics-based approach to...
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