Spain Requested EU Data Protection Board To Discuss OpenAI’s ChatGPT

The data protection agency of Spain has requested the European Union’s privacy watchdog assess privacy issues related with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This comes as scrutiny of AI systems increases globally.

The AEPD made a request, while France’s CNIL and Italy’s data regulator are looking into ChatGPT and OpenAI respectively due to various complaints and concerns. The Italian regulator’s board convened on Tuesday.

The Biden administration has announced that it is requesting public feedback regarding accountability measures for AI systems, amidst concerns around its impact on national security and education.

Read more: OpenAI Proposes Remedies On ChatGPT To Italian Watchdog

“The AEPD understands that global processing operations that may have a significant impact on the rights of individuals require coordinated decisions at European level,” a spokesperson for the agency said in an emailed statement.

“Therefore, in the short term, it has requested that the issue of ChatGPT be included in the next Plenary of the European Data Protection Committee, so that harmonised actions can be implemented within the framework of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation.”