Spain: Atresmedia and Mediaset, fined over repeated violations

Spanish regulator CNMC has announced a fresh round of sanctions on repeat offenders Atresmedia and Mediaset, Spain’s largest media groups. The two companies have been fined over separate repeated violations of rules and obligations set by the regulator. Specifically, regarding hidden advertising content (Mediaset) and for failing to comply with the self-regulation code for age ratings in their broadcast content. (Atresmedia)

In the first case, the CNMC accused Mediaset of violating article 18.2 of the General Audiovisual Communications Law by broadcasting hidden publicity segments for purported health products, during their “Aprende a Cuidarte” (Learn to care for yourself) segment, part of the hit TV show ’Sálvame.’ The segment, said the CNMC, “seeks to publicize a product, directing the audience towards it’s purchase” during a segment specifically characterized by the company as ‘informative content’.

In the case of Atresmedia, authorities have sanctioned the company for broadcasting adult content without the proper rating. Two specific complaints concern the showing of the film “American Playboy”, which was rated as “12 and above” despite its explicit sexual and adult content, warranting a rating of 16+, and the All Ages rating given to the long-running sit-com “Two & a Half Men”. The company has also been accused of intentionally attempting to avoid re-rating this program, repeatedly violating obligations imposed in July. The lack of proper ratings and the deliberate violation of the Self-Regulation code both constitute serious violations.

“Although exceptional cases may justify it in a specific moment, the vast majority (cotton, gauze, bandages, stool absorbers and excreta cleansers, etc.) do not require specialized personel to handle them.”

Source: ADSL Zone

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