South Africa: Commission releases price discrimination and buyer power draft guidelines

The Competition Commission has issued the draft Price Discrimination and Buyer Power Draft Guidelines following the announcement of the regulations by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ebrahim Patel, last week.

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition published the draft regulations for public comment in terms of section 78 of the Competition Act (Act No 89 of 1998). The regulations deal with buyer power and price discrimination in terms of (section 8(4) and (section 9) respectively.

In February this year, President Ramaphosa signed the amendments to the Competition Amendment Act, and in July this year Minister Patel promulgated certain sections of the amendments to the Act. The amendments seek to address persistent concentration and promote greater participation in the economy by SMMEs and companies owned by historically disadvantaged persons (HDP companies).

Full Content: Competition Commission South Africa

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