Singapore: Competition watchdog issues interim measures to stop Grab, Uber merger

The Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS) has issued interim measures to stall ride hailing app Grab’s takeover of Uber operations here.

In a statement issued Friday, April 13, the CCCS said the measures will remain in place until it completes its investigation into ride-hailing group Grab’s acquisition of its American rival’s South-east Asian business.

The CCCS said the measures are meant “to keep the market open and contestable.” They include requiring Grab to remove exclusivity obligations on drivers, preventing Grab from making use of Uber’s operational data to enhance its market position, preserving pre-acquisition fares and driver commission.

Grab will also need to ensure that new drivers entering into an agreement to drive on its platform are not subject to exclusivity agreements. However, there are provisions to this measure in that other parties should not impose these agreements too, and all taxi operators permit their drivers to drive for any ride-hailing platform for metered and fixed fare jobs, the watchdog said in its press release.

Full Content: Channel News Asia

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