Regional Competition Center for Latin America presents Guidelines on quantitative techniques for competition analysis

Dec 13, 2012

Regional Competition Center for Latin America Presents: Guidelines on quantitative techniques for competition analysis – Prepared by the CRCAL*

*David Card, Class of 1950 Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley; Kostis Hatzitaskos, Senior Manager, Cornerstone Research; Vandy Howell, Vice President, Cornerstone Research; and Brad Howells, Associate, Cornerstone Research.

With newly developed empirical methods and increased data availability, quantitative analyses can play an important role in antitrust and competition investigations undertaken by competition agencies. Quantitative analyses can complement the conclusions from qualitative or theory-based analyses, and provide an empirical basis to choose between competing conceptual or theoretical conclusions. Building on advances in the academic and policy literatures, the range of techniques used in competition analysis has expanded rapidly in the past two decades, and there is now an accumulated body of knowledge that is routinely brought to bear in competition matters in the United States and Europe…

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Regional Competition Center for Latin America presents guidelines on quantitative techniques for competition analysis