Recent Developments in Hungarian Competition Policy

Miklos Juhasz, Oct 30, 2012

The developments of Hungarian competition policy in the last two years have been motivated by endeavours to make the operation of the Hungarian Competition Authority (“GVH”) more effective. In other words, the GVH has sought to strengthen the “client-friendly” features of the Authority, specifically by speeding up procedures, increasing the predictability of its law enforcement, and securing a competitive level playing field-especially at a time when an economic crisis has diminished society’s confidence in the power of competition. Due to the agency competencies of the GVH in the enforcement of UCP-related consumer protection issues, the Authority also has a special responsibility to foster efficient markets by counterbalancing possible information deficiencies.

This article focuses on developments of the Hungarian competition policy in the period of November 2010 – October 2012. In addition, changes to the organization of the GVH are also described.

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